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Content Specification

Every installed entity has a project.json file, containing all necessaries information and settings. We use JSON for our settings.

You can always manually create ScreenPlay content. ScreenPlay searches in every subfolder of you installed path for a project.json file. ScreenPlay should automatically detect changes in this path. If it's not working, you can always press F5 inside the Installed tab or restart ScreenPlay.

Example ScreenPlay Installed base path (672870 is the Steam App ID of ScreenPlay):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\672870\

ScreenPlay Installed project inside the 2133699532 folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\672870\2133699532\project.json

Typical content of a Wallpaper:

  • project.json
  • MyFancyWallpaper.webm
  • audio.mp3
  • preview.gif
  • preview.jpg
  • preview.webm
  • previewThumbnail.jpg

A valid project contains a project.json inside a subfolder of your base path. The content of the project folder may vary, because Wallpaper and Widgets can have different types like videos, html website or QML

An example project.json file can look like this:

    "description": "Quiet particles",
    "file": "main.qml",
    "title": "QML particles",
    "type": "qmlWallpaper",
    "visibility": "public",
    "workshopid": 12345678,
    "preview": "preview.png",
    "previewGIF": "preview.gif",
    "previewWEBM": "preview.webm",
    "tags": [
    "properties": {
        "Attractor": {
            "attStrength": {
                "from": 0,
                "stepSize": 100,
                "to": 100000,
                "type": "slider",
                "value": 8000000
        "Emitter": {
            "emitRate": {
                "from": 0,
                "stepSize": 1,
                "to": 2500,
                "type": "slider",
                "value": 25
            "isEnabled": {
                "type": "bool",
                "value": true
        "ImageParticle": {
            "color": {
                "type": "color",
                "value": "#ffffff"
            "imgOpacity": {
                "from": 0,
                "stepSize": 1,
                "to": 1,
                "type": "slider",
                "value": 1
            "source": {
                "formats": "*.png,*.jpg",
                "type": "file",
                "value": "backgroundGlow.png"


Base settings

    "description": "Quiet particles",
    "title": "QML particles",
    "youtube_previews": [


Properties can have multiple types. For example it is useful to have a slider to control the volume and a file dialogue to set an image. Properties can have default values called value. Properties can be nested to be displaced clearer to the user. Nesting has no effect on the namepsace. This means every property has to have an unique name!

// Uses a slider white an from, to and a stepSize value
"property_one": {
    "from": 0,
    "stepSize": 1,
    "to": 100,
    "type": "slider",
    "value": 50
// Uses a color picker
"property_two": {
    "type": "color",
    "value": "#ffffff"
// Uses a file open dialogue
"property_three": {
    "formats": "*.png,*.jpg",
    "type": "file",
    "value": "backgroundGlow.png"
// Uses a checkbox
"property_four": {
    "type": "bool",
    "value": true

The name of the object then gets translated to the qml property. For example:

    "attStrength": {
        "from": 0,
        "stepSize": 100,
        "to": 100000,
        "type": "slider",
        "value": 8000000
// main.qml
property int attStrength: 8000000

Wallpaper File/Type options

Tell ScreenPlay what type of project we have:

// A QML wallpaper:
"file": "main.qml",
"type": "qmlWallpaper"

// A HTML wallpaper:
"file": "index.html",
"type": "htmlWallpaper"

// A Video wallpaper:
"file": "video.webm",
"type": "videoWallpaper"

// A Gif wallpaper:
"file": "myGif.gif",
"type": "gifWallpaper"

// Displays a website as a wallpaper. Url _must_ begin with http:// or https:// !
"url": "",
"type": "websiteWallpaper"

Widget File/Type options

Tell ScreenPlay what type of widget we have:

// A QML widget:
"file": "main.qml",
"type": "qmlWidget"

// A HTML widget:
"file": "main.html",
"type": "htmlWidget"

Preview options

// Must be a jpg or png!
"preview": "preview.png",
// Must be a jpg or png. Used in ScreenPlay for displaying 320x121 preview.
// When not provided the pewview.png is used. Not recommneded, can slow down
// your installed list model!
"previewThumbnail": "previewThumbnail.png",
// Must be gif! (used in ScreenPlay hover preview)
// If you want to upload you content to Steam the max file size is 4mb!
"previewGIF": "preview.gif",
// Must be webm! (used in steam)
"previewWEBM": "preview.webm",

Steam workshop id

// This gets added automatically when uploading your project to steam
"workshopid": 12345678,

Last update: March 30, 2023 15:43:09